This hospitality training course is for roles that are in high demand. It gives you good training in both food and beverage service. Since it is a dynamic industry that is always needing workers, doing the Cert 2 in Hospitality is a great way to launch your career.
What career opportunities does it lead to?
To succeed in this course, it helps to have a passion for hospitality. First, that means being friendly and enjoying working with others. You’ll also have to be able to work under pressure and pay attention to detail.
Once you’ve done this nationally recognised training, jobs in all sorts of places open up including cafés, restaurants, hotels, clubs, bars and catering operations.
Since you will develop the skills needed for a whole range of entry-level hospitality roles, some of the jobs it could lead to are:
Bar Attendant
Room Attendant
Cafe Attendant
Catering Assistant
Food and Beverage Attendant
Front Office Assistant
But you could also continue your studies and go on to do further training at Certificate III level.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers
If you have already doneCertificate I in Hospitality, then you can get credit tranfers for the units already completed. What’s more, you can also get recognition for any relevant skills you’ve gained in the workplace. It’s called recognition of prior learning (RPL) and it means less study time for you.
SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality Course Structure
To be awarded this certificate you have to complete 12 units. There are 6 core units which you must do and 6 that are selected from a list of 49. The following are the 6 core units:
BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others
SITHIND002 Source and use information on the hospitality industry
SITHIND003 Use hospitality skills effectively
SITXCCS003 Interact with customers
SITXCOM002 Show social and cultural sensitivity
SITXWHS001 Participate in safe work practices
Practices for Food Safety Units
But keep in mind that one of the elective units has to one of these units:
SITHIND001 Use hygienic practices for hospitality service
SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety
How much does Cert 2 in Hospitality cost?
The Australian GovernmentMy Skillswebsite says that the average cost of this course from 37 training providers is $2000. However, we offer Certificate 2 in Hospitality for only $1500.
Can you do Cert 2 without doing Certificate 1?
There are no entry requirements for SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality, so you don’t have to start with Certificate 1. Certificate 2 is a longer course with a bit more training, but is also an entry-level course. Basically, the advantage of doing Certificate 1 is that some of the units are the same and don’t have to be done again.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
To do the course, you should have passed year 10 and have reasonable literacy and numeracy. But the one thing you really must have is a unique student identifier (USI), which only takes a few minutes to get atthis site.